Common Causes of Acidity
Consumption of Alcohol
·Highly spicy foodstuffs
·Non-vegetarian diets
·Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID's)
Most acidity problems occur
1. After meals
2. When lifting weight or straining and applying pressure in the intra- abdominal area.
3. At night when lying down
Ulcers also occur as a result of over secretion of acid.Home Remedies for Acidity
Tips 1:After all three meals, take a small piece of jaggery and keep it in your mouth and suck. Voilá no more acidity.
Tips 2:Boil one cup of water. To this add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf). Cover and leave overnight. Strain the water in the morning, add 1 tsp of honey. When this is taken 3 times a day it prevents acidity.
Tips 3:To 1 ½ liters of water add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera). Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Sip while warm. Have the concoction 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days.
Tips 4:Powder one clove and one cardamom; use the powder as a mouth freshener after every meal. No more acidity and no more bad breath
Kev in Dubai
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